Thursday, July 22, 2010

History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America

Here is information about our Thursday research assignment. This week you will work in groups to research into US Military interventions into Latin America. Chose one country that had more than two military interventions. Then research what happened and why. What were the results of these different interventions?

History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Here is information on our textbook for this class

you can either order it directly, download Kindle for PC and download an e-book form of the book, or access the book through the Blue Hill College computer lab. I strongly urge you to use the Kindle for PC option, since this will be the most flexible choice for most students.

welcome to History of Latin America

Hello! I am Richard Lloyd Evans and I am happy to welcome all of you to Latin American History, 1800-2006. I will be posting a great deal of material on this website to help you through your course.

About me:

I am a 50-year-old US citizen who has been living, teaching and writing in Guayaquil, Ecuador for the last four years. I teach at both Colegio Americano, where I teach International baccalaureate Business and History, as well as
where I teach history subjects.
In the past I have been a newspaper reporter, a member of the US Army and a business manager before joining my wife in the ranks of education.

I look forward to our weeks together. I know we both will learn a lot from each other!